Friday, 7 November 2014

The benefits and efficacy of Watermelon to lose weight

Has the ideal body is craving everyone both men and women. Nowadays a lot of methods to lose weight from the start taking the drug trim up fitness. Few people know the method to lose weight in a healthy way badang and also consume a healthy diet, too. Actually the fruit watermelon can also be helpful or effective for weight loss, such as that offered by following

1. watermelon Fruit in it contains calories and fat are also very low, so splendidly for the weight loss process. Because 100 grams semangngka only has 30 calories. So for those of you who want a healthy way Dieter konsumsilah watermelon fruit in its method.

2. Activity a day will definitely make you short of liquid or dehydrated, drinking a lot of water when you do it will cause bloating and stomach look bigger. Therefore, other alternatives in dealing with the dehydration by consuming fruit and watermelon doesn't make your stomach look bigger.

3. key in weight loss that is controlling your eating portions consume foods that can make you feel full longer. Fruit such as watermelon, because when we consume watermelon then the fiber contained in it may slow down digestion and make full a bit long.

4. Fruit watermelon also contains many electrolytes, sodium and potassium, which also serves to prevent lack of fluids in the body. Watermelon also can lower blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases because it contains L-arginine/L-citrulline, an amino acid. In addition, semangkan also contains vitamins A, C, B-6, and thiamine.

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