Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Natural Ingredients To Treat Diabetes

Diabetes is a silent epidemic, which is-the chronic disease that is characterized by increased levels of sugar in the blood as a result of disruptions in the body's metabolic system, in which the pancreas organ was unable to produce the hormone insulin according to needs of the body.

Every food we eat is converted into energy by the body. In the stomach and intestine, food outlined several elements into effect, including one type of sugar, which is glucose. If there are sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which helps the flow of sugar into the body's cells. Then, the sugar can be absorbed properly in the body and burned to produce energy.

When a person suffers from diabetes, then the person's pancreas can't make enough insulin to absorb glucose from food. It causes sugar levels in the blood become high due to backlog of sugar from foods that could not be absorbed properly and burned into energy. Another cause is a defective insulin or the body is unable to properly utilize insulin.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, an organ next to the stomach. These hormones attach themselves to receptors the receptors on the cell wall. the Insulin receptor to open duty on the cell wall so that the glucose enter the cells. these cells Then convert glucose into energy that the body needed to perform the activity. In other words, insulin helps to supply the sugar into the cells to be converted into energy. If the amount of insulin is not enough, then going on the hoarding of sugar in the blood causing diabetes.
The FactorsThe Causes Of Diabetes:
  • Descent,people who have a familyhistoryof diabeteswho have experiencedhasaffectedthe risk ofdiabetesis higher.
  • The age, the morematurea personsoexposedthe risks ofdiabeteswill be higher.
  • Gender,women'shit bydiabetesprevalence ishigher thanthe prevalencein men.
  • Obesity, the greatertheprevalence ofoverweightinsulinworkdisruptionwill be even greater, becauseexcess fatcan causeobstruction of theworkof the hormoneinsulin.
  • Physical activity, the moreoften wedophysical activitythen it isthe sugarthat is consumedwill alsoincreasinglylongunused,as a resultof the prevalenceof elevated levels of sugar in the bloodwill also behigher.
  • Eating patterns,the pattern offatty foodsand carbohydrateswill increasethe risk ofexcessiveexposureto diabetes.
  • Stressisone of the factorsconduciveto increasedrisk ofdiabetes.

In General, some of the symptoms of diabetes that occurs among other things:
  • Frequent urination.
  • Oftenfeeling verythirsty.
  • Oftenhungryfor notgetting enoughenergyso that the bodysignalthe hungry.
  • Weight losssuddenlyeven thoughno effortto lose weight.This is becausewhenthe body is notableto supplysugar intotheir cells,the body burnsfat andproteintogetenergy.
  • Oftentinglingin the feetor hands.
  • Having problemson the skinsuch asitching orulcers.
  • Ifinjured,took a long timetorecover.
  • Change in behaviorsuch asirritability.The cause isbecause oftype 1diabetessufferersoftenwoke upat night tourinateso as not tobe able tosleep soundly.
  • Easyto feel tired.

Diabetes or diabetes lately many suffered by top or bottom, the disease infected most of the adults. It is strongly recommended to treat diabetes naturally because usually the treatment of diabetes in a natural, no side effects. How to treat diabetes naturally with vegetables that we often cook or it could be as fresh vegetables and spices that may already exist in the garden near the House. Following these 7 natural substances to treat diabetes (diabetes)

1. String beans treat diabetes
Vegetable beans which tastes good it turns out to be lowering sugar levels in the blood to normal limits due to the substances contained in it are able to improve insulin production.
Insulin is a hormone produced naturally by our bodies from the organs of the body called the pancreas function of lowering blood sugar levels in the blood, we recommend that you frequently consume beans.

2. Testing whether treating diabetes
Efficacy testing can improve insulin receptors that do not function properly how to take 2 pieces of pace which is ripe and then grated and squeezed with a clean cloth and drink which could be summarised.

3. Pare treat diabetes
Pare is efficacious to improve pancreatic beta cells to do 200 g then we pare the juice and drinking water don't drink it too often because if too often drink the juice pare could cause diarrhea.

4. Caulis treat diabetes
Caulis helps relieve pain and can lower the heat do I take 6 cm stem Caulis and washing clean the roots into pieces and boil with water 3 cups to 2 cups and drink after a meal can be drunk per day if still feel the pain and heat belun down.
5. Ginseng treat diabetes
Ginseng is known to enhance stamina and other properties can also lower blood sugar levels in the blood.

6. Cinnamon treat diabetes
Cinnamon in addition to nutritious ingredients inhibits free radicals that can be harmful to the resilience of the body so often add cinnamon in our daily cuisine.

7. The juice of the mangosteen Fruit Skin treat diabetes
Mangosteen fruit contained in a compound called xanthone with high content. Xanthone is itself a compound polyhenolic which is very beneficial in killing various diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and thrombosis. How to make fruit leather Keroklah: Manggis on the inside by using a spoon. To reduce the bitter taste can be boiled first. Then insert the blender, add the boiled water as much as one glass, and Palm sugar. You can also mix some honey and fruit to suit your taste like avocado, mango, Soursop and lainnyaAnda can take it as much as 3 times a day, as many as 3-4 tablespoon after meals.

Thank you have read natural substances to treat Diabetes (Diabetes), hopefully the article treatment of health about how to treat diabetes (diabetes) above could give little benefit, especially for people with diabetes (diabetes).

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