Thursday, 6 November 2014

Natural Ingredients It Can Redden The Black Lips

Have a natural red lip color without lipstick will add to the beauty of women, in addition to the red lips will look more qute, ngegemesin can also make the men who saw it. And who the hell wants a woman lips black? that is in fact making the horror the guy, can-can We be considered a smoker. "I've not have many pleasantries, how can let the lips red naturally?" If you want to know how to check out aja deh directly below.

1. in order to Use Natural red lips Tomato
    Already know dong with fruit on this one. Besides suitable for asker face, plum tomatoes are also very useful to Redden the lips are naturally "How do makenya easier?" so gini's how take the tomatoes and then apply the tomato fruit to meat lips regularly. Remember Yes is routinely obtained over the results to the maximum.

2. Potato
     "Why potato?" do not believe well, if delicious food made the chips proved to be able also to redden their lips and avoid blackish on the lips. "How can I continue?" Do I take a potato and puree paste deh dibibir after that you and wait a few minutes.
3. Aloe Vera
   You can also make use of Aloe Vera to Redden the lips. "Aloe Vera hair well suited instead?" Hence the update dong knowledge hehe other than good for hair, Aloe Vera is also very suitable for Black Lips Redden, do I take Aloe Vera gel and apply it on the lips You are black. remember it must be routinely let improved noticeably.
4. Mix cucumber and Lime
  You also try natural recipes nih isa is a mixture of cucumbers and lemons. "How do you nyampurnya?" Do I mix lemon juice which has been squeezed cucumber with meat and then apply it evenly on the Black Lips, do routinely.
5. Honey
   In this way many definite try nih, kok was quite easy. do I Apply honey on the lips, do not immediately licked honey but wait a few minutes and do it regularly.
6. Toothpaste
    Toothpaste can also Redden lips loh. "rather than make the teeth so white kebapa it could be red?" Sort of update not believe, as the cited, turns out toothpaste very quickly to Redden the lips. do I simply apply Your lip with toothpaste or odol, then let sit for a few minutes after it was clear. It's initially a bit hot, but it's also great way kok to Redden the lips are black.

    What about buddy, easy enough right to do? calm aja gak Cintamela would love a recipe that is hard to look beautiful kok. The ingredients are easy to obtain. "I fear ya lips so black again, weve cause Black Lips what aja sih?" oh, there are many factors that make Your sweet lips so black PAL, one of them as a couple of examples below.

Often The Smoking
Often Drink Coffee
A steady stream of UV rays
The habit of Licking the lips

   "ooh ... so that's the cause?" yups, the list above is one of the causes of Your lips so black, so that Your lips are still red blushes avoid things above Yes matey.

    It used to be, Yes, some of the traditional nih udah hands to write on. Later if there's any tips we will again tell deh. Remember well, don't forget to share this article by selecting the button below, which already share admin doain enter Heaven hehe daaah

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