Monday, 17 November 2014

Aromatherapy that will Redakan your stress

High activity and the pressure is so great in the work often makes you stress. This stress can have an impact on decreasing performance and productivity of work.

The various ways you can be reached to relieve stress. Like doing breathing exercises and stretching. Well, this time around there's more unique ways to cope with stress in your workplace, i.e. with aromatherapy.

There are a variety of scents that can help relieve your stress at work, among them:

1. Sandalwood
    The scent of sandalwood can reduce anxiety and tension over heating. Its fragrance can be used as a means of meditation to reduce stress. The oil is extracted from sandalwood are often used as aromatherapy and capable of giving the tranquility and peace of mind.
2. Pepermint
   Add a few drops of oil on the surface of a warm towel pepermint (a towel that has been soaked in hot water) and placed on the forehead and neck. Then pull your breath in deeply and you will feel the fresh sensation to redakan headache and your depression.
3. Neroli
    Busting stress that not only let go of tension but also cope with the fatigue of mind due to the hectic atmosphere of the Office. Neroli oil can also improve concentration. Pour two or three drops of Neroli oil on a cotton bud or tissue, a thin SAC in bungkug and place it on your desk.
4. Marjoram
    This plant is a very popular herb. Many cultivated in the Mediterranean countries and Asia. To cope with nausea, apply oil of marjoram extract into Your chest and stomach with a circular motion.
5. Chamomile
   This plant is grown in all regions of Europe and the Asian region which has 4 seasons. This plant can grow as high as 15 to 60 cm. same as marjoram, plants and herbs are also popularly used to relieve stress, especially a panic attack. How, ektrak chamomile oil squirt into the Palm of your hand, and hiruplah then hembuskan slowly through your mouth. A combination of breathing exercises and the scent of chamomile will soothe you from panic attacks that hit.
6. Lavender
    Since 2,500 years ago, lavender flowers purple has been utilized for a variety of needs, such as perfume and the anti mosquitos. You can mix lavender oil or dried lavender flowers in the bath to bath soak or rub it into the skin before bath. When you just want to pick up, turn on whose aromatherapy candles scented with lavender in your space.
7. Basil
    Basil oil is ideal to counteract the negative mood and a tired mind. Regular use can make better concentration, more clear mind and enhance the enthusiasm of the work. For maximum results, soak a towel in the water that's already ditetesi basil oil. Use the towel to wipe your hands, feet, face and neck before going to bed. You can also put a little behind the ear for effect more relaxes.

You can also combine aromatherapy with massage therapy to expedite your blood circulation and keeps your body fresh again.

Good luck with your

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