Monday, 17 November 2014

Easy allergy, Barring with These Tips

When the body is exposed to substances or objects are allergens such as entailed in seafood, could be insects, pollen, dirt, pollution, animal dander, mold, and many more, then our antibody system overreact (overstimulate) giving rise to symptoms-severe allergy symptoms such as inflammation, redness, eczema, swelling, red spots, and asthma.

While mild allergies cause symptoms such as fever, runny nose, stuffy nose flows, itching, watery eyes, or a head dizzy. There is also an allergy that occurs without having to be exposed to the allergen, called from atopic allergy.

In addition to medical treatment with Pharmacotherapy and Immunotherapy, allergy can also be prevented by natural way as follows:

Diligently Clean Room
Clean your home regularly from the allergen substances. Avoid humidity and let fresh air come out in freely. MOP the floor, use air conditioning, vacuum cleaner, or heating to clean dust, mold, mites, bacteria, and pollen. If necessary do not use carpet. Use vinegar as a disinfectant. Barring incoming pets bedroom or sofa mattress or ascending.

Barring with Bromelain
Ingestion of bromelain, an enzyme that is sort of able to relieve the inflammation, regulate excessive immune responses, and relieve allergies. Found in fruits such as papaya, pineapple, and kiwi. Konsumsilah when suffering from allergies or try looking supplement bromelain.

Consumption Honey
Drink 1 tablespoon honey, natural, native has not yet processed and filtered to help relieve allergies on a daily basis. Or cider supplements konsumsilah honey (bee pollen).

Acupressure Massage
Acupressure massage is being done with the index finger on each side of the nose (nasal side who met cheek) to relieve sinus allergy. Hold 3 seconds and drag the breath in deeply and slowly hembuskan.

Drinking Green Tea
Reduce histamine by drinking tea. Histamine can increase the risk of allergies because of his role in the inflammation of blood vessels (triggers an allergic reaction). Green tea and chamomile tea contain a natural antihistamine and be able to balance the immune system of the body.

Clean The Nasal Cavity
Clear the respiratory tract (nose) per day. This healthy habit will prevent from dirt including inhaled allergens.

Supplementation Stinging Nettle
Consumption is a plant leaf extract supplements from stinging nettle has been used worldwide to treat inflammation and relieve allergies. The active substances are able to counteract the work of the immune cells cause inflammation. This type of plant is another anti-allergy flower Magnolia, xanthium dandelion, mint, basil, Chinese, siler root, and schizandra. Select it in the form of herb tea or traditional Chinese medicines labelled "Allergy Tamer" capable of balancing the immune system and relieve the symptoms of allergies.
Avoid Food Allergy Triggers
The precautionary principle is easiest by avoiding the allergen substances which stimulate overconsumption (overstimulate) of the immune system, as well as food. Them avoid chocolate, seafood (including mussels and shrimp), potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant.

Avoid Raw Foods
Avoid also the food wet and phlegm like webbed of various products of the dairy, raw and cold food, corn (including corn syrup), and simple sugars (corn with bleach, white pasta, white rice, artificial sweeteners, and soft drink). Replace it with whole wheat bread and pasta, red rice, quinoa or millet.

Herbal Food Consumption
Cook with spices such as ginger, sinus pelega basil, garlic, oregano, chilli, turmeric, saffron, or radish. Don't forget to wash the vegetables with clean running water to remove residues of pesticides and chemicals. Select organic vegetables

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