Friday, 14 November 2014

8 Healthy Habits to Get slim body

Has the ideal slim body is yearning to everyone. Moreover, for those who are overweight or obese. It's not easy to have a slim body in no time. Take a look at how many people fail to do the diet because it stripped instant results. Padalah their bodies are not ready with all the changes in the pattern of life that must be lived.

Any changes that you have to undergo during the diet is an important step to bring your body to know life better and healthier. Certainly do not need to make massive changes to lose weight. There are so many small habits if you do routinely every day will give you a big change to your body. Do not believe? The following eight habits of healthy to make your body slimmer and healthier.

1. Do not forget breakfast
To replenish the body's energy wake-up, make it a habit after breakfast before doing daily activities. In addition to giving the energy in the morning, breakfast also prevent you from eating in excess in the afternoon.

2. Stay away from high-calorie food
For those of you who are accustomed to snacking and high-calorie sweet foods, began at this time to reduce the food if You want to lose weight. Better replace your usual sweet snacks packed with foods that are low in calories, such as fruits and nuts. In addition to the glut, the content of vitamins, minerals and fibre in the fruit is also good for health. Limit the consumption of carbohydrates, and multiply the servings of vegetables and proteins on the menu your main meal.

3. Eat regularly
Set up Your meal time. This is to keep blood sugar levels steady and also to prevent excessive hunger at certain times. Just eat rice three times a day in a portion not to overdo it. Are the times in between meal schedule you can intersperse with the consumption of the fruit. Eating this way can keep your body weight.

4. Eat slowly and in small portions
While eating, try for your food into multiple smaller parts. Eating slowly each piece of food on your plate. The brain takes 20 minutes to feel full. By eating slowly, you will feel quickly satiated although Your food portions a little more than usual.

5. Don't do other activities while eating
Avoid eating while watching, chatting or doing other activities. Because you will never realize how much you have eaten by then. Do activity while eating will make your brain used to associate the two. For example, you would find it strange if the watch without eating, even when it's not the hours eating.

6. Out House and shop in a State of fullness
Don't come out the House or go shopping when the stomach is empty. Why? Due to the condition of the stomach is full, you will not be tempted to buy unhealthy food outside the House which can be a trigger for increased weight.

7. Brush your teeth after meals
Diligent toothbrush and use mouthwash after meals. It aims to ensure that you are not tempted to eat again and again outside to eat.

8. The Diligent exercise
Sports is a way to burn the excess calories that enter the body. So, even if in a day calorie that goes into your body, the more calories with exercise will be used optimally and not be buried as fat. This is very helpful to lose weight fast and healthy loh.

It takes tenacity and patience to lose weight. Let's start this healthy habit 8 in our daily lives. Hopefully your diet success!

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