Slim and sexy body is every woman's dream. The goal is to enhance the appearance, more confidence in the Association and certainly attract every man who looked at her eyes.

There are various ways to get beautiful and sexy body. Among them is to keep your eating patterns. A diet low in calories and high in protein is one of the keys to successfully get the slim body and sexy.
Fix Diet
For example, if during the time you eat white rice 10 spoon, then the habit it can be converted into 5 spoons or replace it with a red rice as a source of carbohydrate low calorie and nutrient rich. If still hungry, you can add fruits or nuts as a snack.
If you like to eat bread, is now a good time to replace your usual bread with whole wheat bread that is rich in fiber and good for weight loss. Add low-fat dairy such as milk protein (whey).
Essentially, you only need to reduce food and sweets increased the consumption of foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals for your body's formation. Be careful also with the juice of the fruit you consume. Why?
Fruit juice is a healthy drink and low in calories can help you full longer, but if there are extra sugar in the fruit juice then you could potentially save the excess calories that could be the fat in your body. So, if you want a healthy juice should drink the juice that is sugar-free.
In order not to fast is hungry, for your dinner menu for 5-6 meals per day. Add time to eat (not a portion to eat) can help speed up the formation of a body and lose weight, because of the way it can speed up the body's metabolism is effective for increasing your body's fat burning.
Add Exercise
If the diet is low in calories and high in protein are You running, now is the time to maximize your efforts with exercise. Some of the following exercises are designed to assist the establishment of the body while burning fat even more. Asiknya again, the following exercises you can do at home because most use only simple equipment.
Hip Raise | 8-10 repetisi
Stages Of Implementation:
- Lie down on your back
- Both hands on the side of the body parallel to the shoulder
- Both knees are buckling up
- Lift your hips as high as possible
- Hold 8-10 seconds
- Back to its original position
Mountain Climber on Swiss Ball | 3 set @ 60 detik
Stages Of Implementation:
-Take the push up position with resting on a swiss ball
-Middle Kontraksikan muscles of the body to maintain balance
-Lift the left and right feet alternately
-Do for 60 seconds, rest 30 seconds and repeat 3-4 sets Swiss Ball L Raise | 10-12 repetisi
Stages Of Implementation:
-Lying face-down on a swiss ball
-Walk straight in a position raised
-Both hands straight down (be grasping dumbbel)
-Bend the elbow and lift up to the second parallel shoulder
-Continue to rotate the forearm parallel to the head
-Back to its original position with reverse movement
McGill Curl Up | 8-10 repetisi
Stages Of Implementation:
-Lying on her back
Administered from Canberra by the Palms-beneath the hips
-The left Knee bent over (may both knees bent simultaneously)
-Raise the body using the abdominal muscles
-Resistant 5-8 seconds
-Back to its original position
Swiss Ball Lying Triceps Extension | 10-12 repetisi
Stages Of Implementation:
-Lying on her back on a swiss ball
-Hand-held dumbbel in both hands
-Raise both hands straight up
-Bend the elbows up to second in the top of the head
-Back to its original position
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