Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Traditional Herb Leucorrhea

Most women who experience vaginal discharge causes considerable problems and can cause discomfort and myself for those women who experience vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is not a disease, but many opinions of vaginal discharge is defined as a sign of some disease symptoms are related to the reproductive organs. Vaginal discharge is a combination of fluid and cells that continue to come out through the vagina. The function of the vaginal discharge is to clean and protect the vagina. The color and consistency of vaginal discharge varies from white and sticky and watery clear between menstrual periods, roughly correspond to the stages of the reproductive cycle.

Vaginal discharge may occur in terms of various factors, such as vaginal discharge secretion or occur due to sexual stimulation, before and after menstruation or reaction from the wearing of drug Detox expenses as toxins and psychological factors such as stress. Vaginal discharge that occurs in women are distinguished into 2 kinds i.e. abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginal discharge that is normal.

Vaginal discharge which is much feared by the women in the world is an abnormal vaginal discharge. Abnormal vaginal discharge is characterized by, such as:

1. Liquid white out can be either yellowish liquid

2. itching and heat Occurs around the organ of femininity

3. the organs of the female raises the odor

4. vaginal discharge make sense of discomfort

How to make potions to treat vaginal discharge is traditionally

1. Take the 10 pieces of betel leaf, 1 finger temulawak section 1 and turmeric. All the ingredients are washed and cut into small, then simmered in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes.While still warm, use for washing of the vagina. For maximum results, do the regularly twice a day.
2. Take 1 section old turmeric fingers, tamarind juice and brown sugar. Turmeric, peeled and shredded. Pour tamarind water and a solution of sugar to taste and stir until evenly distributed. Squeeze with a piece of clean cloth. Her juice drink water 2 times a day with a dose of 11/4 cups once drank.
3. Take a leaf of papaya and wash clean and finely sliced. Add 50 g of root reeds clean and pulasari.Rebu's all the ingredients with 1, 5 litres of water to a boil then strain. The stew is nutritious drink water once a day one glass
4. Provide 20 grams of turmeric is dismembered and washed clean, 10 grams of dried leaf sambiloto, and 15 grams of dried pomegranate skin. Then the ingredients are boiled with water, 800 cc and reserving only 300 cc of water boiled. Strain and consume 2 times a day, you can add the Palm sugar or honey to taste.
5. One tablespoon each of fig tree bark powder and Banyan trees should be simmered in one liter of water until reduced by half. Spray or sprinkle with boiled warm water will keep the vaginal tract stay healthy.
6. Apply ripe mango pulp to the vaginal area and leave it for a few moments, before rinsing it off with water.

Thank you have read Traditional Herb Leucorrhea, hopefully the article treatment of health about how to treat vaginal discharge naturally above could give little benefit, especially you.

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