You're confused? want to lose weight, not have puzzled you went into the kitchen if unwittingly natural ingredients in your kitchen you can lose weight faster, but still has to be coupled with exercise. Curious what materials can lose weight as such on the page Pop Sugar (10/09)., we see his review as follows.
1. Apple Vinegar
sebuar research or research exposes if Apple vinegar can suppress hunger. This is because Apple vinegar can help to empty the stomach which makes feel full longer. Not only did Apple vinegar can also lower blood sugar levels and delayed the release of glucose in the blood.
2. Tuna Fish
This tuna fish contain lots of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna is great eaten during nighttime when you don't have much time to eat. Add the salad also serves to add a fiber that helps lower the weight loss process.
3. Green tea
Green tea is widely known now only as a healthy drink. Not many people know that green tea can actually lose weight, because it can increase metabolism and suppress appetite.
4. Cinnamon
Besides being able to increase the body's metabolism of cinnamon also expedited the process of pensernaan, control the level of blood sugar for patients suffering from type-2 diabetes. Sprinkle the cinnamon on your tea in order to obtain maximum results in the process of losing weight.
5. Peanut
A research on the year 2011 revealed that those who ate an ounce of peanuts in a day, they have a lower appetite as well as having higher hormone serotonin. The higher a person's hormone serotoninnya, then the lower the level of stress also experienced by that person.
6. Coconut Milk
Coconut milk contains many unsaturated fats and healthy can help lose weight. But choose the coconut milk that does not contain a sweetener.
7. Turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin, an antioxidant substance that can prevent inflammation. Research at Tufts University School of medicine concluded that curcumin can lose weight and prevent the growth of fat.
So last 7 natural ingredients for weight menurutkan. Hopefully helpful
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