Turns out to be lack of exercise is the closest thing to blame rather than eating too much in the case of obesity or overweight.
A new study – conducted by researchers in the US found that a person's activity level decreases in the last 20 years triggered a rise in the value of Body Mass Index (BMI) at the same caloric intake. Researchers say the decline in activities like sport especially on among women may be responsible for rising levels of obesity in the world.
Whereas adults are encouraged to perform moderate exercise such as jogging, cycling, or fitness for 150 minutes per week. But in this study, researchers found that 2 out of 3 adults in the United Kingdom has failed to run the healthy patterns. Consequently, two-thirds of men and nearly 6 out of 10 women in the United Kingdom having overweight or obese.
In America, through data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) researchers found the number of women in the u.s. who lack physical ativitas do have surged since from 19.1% in 1994 rose to 51.7% in 2010 ago.
In Indonesia itself was recorded there are approximately 21.7% of adults experiencing overweight according to data from the Health Research Indonesia in 2010 ago.
This is due to the growing number of people of Indonesia less doing sports and healthy life patterns not applying such as diet. "This increase is occurring in the context of a substantial increase in the proportion of adults who are less doing sports or other physical activity," said Uri Ladabaum, a professor from Stanford University, California, USA. Meanwhile, many assumed that the intake of calories is a major factor for the increase in obesity in the world.
However, the results of studies that have been published in the American Journal of Medicine revealed different things, researchers believe that a lack of physical activity is the most important factor for obesity in the world followed by the value of your calorie intake.
So the fitness mania, turns out the sport is very important to prevent excess weight gain. Let's practice!
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