Vegetarian is the term for people who only eat plants and, not taking any food that comes from living things like meat and poultry, but it is still possible to consume seafood such as fish, processed products or animals such as eggs, cheese, or milk. Become a vegetarian or vegan diet living becomes a trend started by many for health reasons or to lose weight.
But once people become vegetarian (or vegan called) turned out to have a negative side that could potentially create unhealthy bodies, this is because by just eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, tubers, etc. as well as avoiding foods that are lifeless (animals, eggs, fish, etc.) can make the body lacks nutrients, vitamins and substances that many contained in meat products.
Therefore as a vegetarian You need to know the type of menu foods, supplements and multivitamins are needed so that the body continues to function properly, such as:
Protein is an important part in people's lives which our body requires a minimum average 60 grams (male) & 50 gram (female) per day. Source of protein for people who live a vegetarian diet can be obtained by eating tempe, tofu, miso, natto, cheese, yoggurt, nuts, lentils (lentil pea), soy milk, etc.
Avoid artificial-protein meat commonly served at vegetarian restaurants) because of processing is usually less well and fitat acid (Phytic acid) it makes iron and zinc absorption into the body is disturbed, it can make enlargement of organs, and boost the flab in the organ of the heart.
The function of calcium is vital for growth, teeth, as well as create a network of nerves the body to function properly. The average daily intake of calcium for adults is 1000 – 1200 mg which you can find in a variety of foods such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, seaweed, wakame, dulse, Brown and milk.
Essential fatty acids
The body needs essential fatty acids which function to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K, a source of energy, balance the cholesterol in the body, maintaining heart health as well as other important functions.
The recommended daily intake of essential fatty acids/omega is one to two tablespoons. For those of you who do a vegetarian diet can be found a source of essential fatty acids from walnuts, flax, coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil, butter and raw jute.
Vitamin B12
For Vegetarians who don't eat milk or eggs are in desperate need of vitamin B12, for which those as his successor can consume shitake mushrooms, fermented soybeans, or plants that come from the sea and algae.
Iron and Zinc (zinc)
Iron in the blood is very necessary so that someone not lethargic, eager and be productive in carrying out effective & activity. Semetara function of zinc is for cell metabolism, immune system, healing, as well as sistesis for protein and DNA.
The main source for iron and zinc are the green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, legumes such as peas, almonds, cashews, peanuts, raisins lentil, wheat, etc.
Daily iron intake is average for women 20-50 years was 19 mg while adult male about 7 mg, and because the body doesn't store the second substance is then very important to always take it every day.
Live a vegetarian diet or being vegan is indeed very difficult to be able to meet all the nutritional needs of the body. And if you have trouble finding food ingredients that exist in this article, then it can be menyiasatinya by purchasing supplements and multivitamins
How about you do your nutrients have been met? may the food you consume is not wrong, and even though you're running nutrition diet you still awake so you'll stay healthy. Hopefully the tips above nutritional fulfillment can be beneficial to you all. Semlamat try.
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