The abdominal muscles are toned and Wattle, all free men and women certainly want it. In addition to healthy, have wonderful abdominal muscles toned and can also increase a person's appearance and self-confidence.
Set up a good diet and regular exercise is an important key to gaining belly beautiful and toned. One of the exercises to get beautiful and toned stomach is the practice of yoga. Yoga is a conventional practice has existed since hundreds of years ago.
Some movements of yoga is quite effective to train and tighten your stomach muscles, making it suitable to exercise the option for those of you who want a beautiful and toned belly.
The following 4 yoga moves to help tighten the muscle strength while increasing your stomach.
1. Pavan-Muktasan

Stages Of Implementation:
- Start by lying down
- Fold both legs from the knees
- Grasp and rapatkan fingers of both hands
- Bring both legs until touching the belly
- Raise your head up to the nose over the knee
- Hold your breath then returns to its original position and exhale
- Do this exercise for 30 seconds
2. Bandha Sarvangasana

Stages Of Implementation:
- Lying on her back in a position
- Bend your knees into holding the lower body
- Lift your body up
- The head stays on the floor
- Second hand blends under body
- Hold this position for 30 seconds
3. Bhujangasan
Stages Of Implementation:
- Take the position of push ups
- Raise your upper body with the strength of the back muscles and hands
- Feel the strain on Your abdominal muscles
- Hold this position for 30 seconds
4. Dhanurasan

Stages Of Implementation:
- Take the position of push ups
- Bend the knee to the ankle and hold it with both hands
- Lift your body up to the body to form arches with stomach on the floor
- Hold this position for 30 seconds
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