Cough is a disease that often occurs in the community. The weather change – change usually triggers someone easy to contract the disease on this one. The cough is often considered a trivial disease but also note that cough that left continuously can cause serious diseases such as tuberculosis. This disease also knows no age, older children and adults also often contract the disease.
There is a dry cough and phlegm. Coughing mucus will be accompanied berdahak which is certainly very annoying sufferer. Maybe it's easy to treat coughs with medical treatment to the doctor. But it's good this traditional cough relieving tips a try. Some tips that can be used to relieve cough, cough and dry cough either berdahak.
Tips eliminate Cough in the complement of phlegm
1. Rest enough
Istiahat the one with enough because with a fit body condition will help the recovery of the disease sooner.
2. Galingale
Grab some fruit kencur. Lalau grated mix with a little water and then drink it regularly 3 x a day. With drinking regularly will fade would cough improves. These Tips can try is given also to eliminate coughing children.
3. Honey
Honey has many benefits that can serve as one of the tips on relieving cough. In addition to the powerful, honey also liked by children because of the sweet taste. How to mix honey with lemon. Give regularly 3 x 1 HR a day.
That's a couple of tips that can be used to eliminate the cough. Tips on how to eliminate coughing above can be used to eliminate coughing babies and treat coughs in adults.
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