Monday, 10 November 2014

Benefits of Yogurt in curing Colds and cough Pain In Toddlers

Most people know that only as a Yogurt drink, but did you know that in addition to yogurt drinks can also cure various illnesses, such as colds and cough pain. When your sick toddler runny nose or cough, then do not directly be given antibiotic drugs. Better be given to drink yogurt which is fermented from cow's milk, this is more potent in curing the disease. Actually, what makes yoghurt can cure the disease, colds and cough? We see his review as follows.

A research or study States that this substance contains a lot of yogurt probiotics, so it is very powerful in helping to heal our bodies afflicted by viruses of colds and coughs. The results of this research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

This research was conducted to toddlers as well as involving 57 people toddlers aged 3-6 years, researchers found the facts if they were given capsules containing probiotic bacteria heal faster. The same type of bacteria the bacteria contained in yogurt. When toddlers are not given antibiotics at all. It should be noted that antibiotics are indeed capable of killing or destroying the bacteria that causes the disease, but antibiotics can also kill good bacteria that are needed by the body of the toddler children.

"As long as these kids toddlers always given antibiotics in the process of curing illnesses colds and coughs, But few people check if antibiotic drugs itself can be deadly and destroy the good bacteria that is badly needed by the body of the toddler, which serves to make the defense system on the body of the son," that was the statement that stated investigators written into the health journal.

In addition, another advantage when your toddler son given yogurt while experiencing pain coughs and colds, the chemicals will not poison your child's body, such as when you drink the right medicines to children. This is not good for the body of the sibalita, especially if your child vulnerable to chemicals. Not only that, the other benefits of yogurt that can nourish the digestive organs of your childhood, and also complement or supplement of calcium needed by your toddler son.

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