Ringworm is a parasitic disease of the skin. This disease can be suffered by anyone, be it male or female, be it kids, easy as well as parents. The incidence of this disease is caused by a yeast Pityrosporum ovale. Ringworm is a disease that is not so dangerous but if left will be very annoying. For those of you who like to pay attention to appearances, this disease will probably be the main enemy that should be eliminated. ringworm will damage the appearance of the skin will arise because the patches are white, sometimes Brown or red. It feels very itchy and especially if you're sweating. The disease can be contagious ringworm from one person to another.

Ringworm disease often comes by we unwittingly let alone is around the back. Symptoms that often arises when a sweaty i.e. itching and skin color is partly transformed into a white, Brown even red hanging from pikmen the sufferer. On the part of the skin that is stricken with mange usually smooth scales that cover it.
How to treat ringworm that can use traditional ways/natural. This way it is very easy for us to do alone at home. The ingredients are from the estates or farms. Even with natural materials but this way has many proven could cure diseases panu. Here we present 6 natural ingredients treat Ringworm.
1. Fix Galangal Ringworm
Galangal is also often used for a mixture of cuisines. Galangal is also can be used to cure diseases panu. The way is to prepare some galangal then Peel to clean and flush water use. After that, mashed until smooth and thoroughly mix with kerosene. Apply this concoction regularly every morning after madi and evening before going to bed. Before applying, so the skin is completely dry and free of sweat. Do this regularly to ringworm disappear and your skin becomes normal again.
2. Garlic Fix Ringworm
Garlic is commonly found in the market. This material is often used for cooking the mixture in a variety of vegetables. Nevertheless, the garlic may also be used to treat ringworm. The way is easy, prepare 1 clove white bottom and then cut it into 2 using a knife. After the cut, apply a piece of garlic on the ringworm disease affected skin. This garlic pieces usually there is SAP. SAP is utilized to cure this disease. Do this regularly every morning after finishing a shower and at night when going to bed.
3. Lemon Fix Ringworm
Lemon has many benefits for the treatment of both naturally for beauty treatments. In addition bidapat also used to heal skin affected by ringworm. The way is to prepare a fruit then lemon cut into 2 parts. Prepare the sulfur also has pounded subtly. Take a piece of lime and then apply on sulfur and apply on the skin disease attacked ringworm. Do this regularly to panu gradually lost.
4. Top Pare Ringworm Leaves
Pare is a plant that is often used for vegetable mix and it tastes bitter. To treat ringworm can use leaf pare. The way is subtly some mashed leaves pare then mix with whiting. After that use for applying the skin there is ringworm. To do routine every morning and night when going to sleep berajak.
5. Fix the sulphur Ringworm
Mash and puree with evenly. Then mix it with lime juice and oil heads. And then apply it on the skin that is problematic. Do this by seriously and routine.
6 Star Fruit Wuluh Fix Ringworm.
Foodstuffs with a sour taste can quell this natural ringworm is troubling. The trick is to smooth out some star fruit wuluh. Mix with a little water whiting. Mix well, take the water, and then apply it on the skin that are experiencing problems panu. To do routine maintenance twice a day until the ringworm is gone.
Thank you have read natural ingredients treat Ringworm, hopefully the tips about how to treat ringworm naturally above could give little benefit, especially for sufferers of ringworm.
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