Flatulence has always been a problem for everyone who love to travel far. Typically, flatulence is caused because the stomach too often exposed to wind and empty stomach not eating. Oarang-people more often choose a practical way with the drinking cure cold or eucalyptus oil slathered on abdominal bloating. This way is indeed easy and practical, but we have to remember is, the drug enters the wind and eucalyptus oil naturally contains ingredients – unnatural chemicals. And if used too often, it's usually always cause any side effects. But you no need to worry. Now you can address the problem of flatulence in a natural way that is easy, practical and inexpensive.
The way is by making use of mint leaves. Mint leaves are one of the leaves that are proven efficacious cure flatulence. In karenakan mint on mint leaves deposits that have a function to warm the stomach cramps and meradakan. How is very easy and practical.
The following is how to take advantage of mint leaves as a cure flatulence:
1. first of all you should lakukakan is looking for fresh mint leaves and free from pesticides. Usually, you can find them at the supermarket that sells vegetables-organic vegetables. After getting it, wash mint leaves.
2. next, after mint leaves rebuslah cleaned, mint leaves with enough fire. Do not get overcooked. Because it will reduce levels of mint on a mint leaf.
3. and, finally, a drink of water decoction of leaves of mint when your stomach is bloated. You also took it on the bottle if you want to travel far. Now, you no longer need to prepare the drug enters the wind or eucalyptus oil.
Following earlier reviews about how to treat flatulence naturally. Good luck!
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