Clove is one of a crop of toga (medicinal plant families) that are rich in a wide range of benefits. Plants that often become mixed in tobacco smoking, it apparently can also be utilized to kesahatan and your beauty. This is because clove contains Eugenol (C10H12O2). These substances are often used as additional substances in cosmetic ingredients and drugs.
You can also try to use it for different things. More or less, there are 6 benefits you can try from clove
1. Handle respiratory infections
According to a research professor from Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York City; Neil Schachter, M.d.:
Clove was working for ekspetoran, which can help to thin the mucus found in the esophagus and throat. This helps the healing process due to respiratory infections. Tea containing cloves, can help the healing process and the prevention of respiratory tract infections.
2. heal a toothache
Cloves can also assist the healing process of tooth that hurts. Part of the cloves that can be used to cure a toothache is the clove. How is very easy. Prepare approximately 5 to 10 flowers cloves, roasted grain and puree. Then, frying powder taburkanlah earlier on the area of the tooth that hurts.
3. clean the germs
The content of Eugenol or clove in this natural antiseptic apparently can also be utilized as a germ cleaner alternatives. How, boil 10 to 30 seeds and cloves. Furthermore, water decoction of cloves that you can combine your bath water at the rate of 1: 4 ratio. While showering, flush your body with water that has been mixed with the decoction of cloves of yesteryear. Scrub and rinse your body to clean.
4. natural Deodorizer clothing
The Aroma of spicy clove on indirectly could also be utilized to reduce the smell no taste on your clothes. This scent can also make your clothes stay fresh and fragrant. The trick is very practical. Please place a few sticks of clove seeds in cupboards or fold your clothes. Replace regularly every 4-5 weeks in order to keep your clothes fresh aroma awake.
5. clean the acne blemishes
According to Cornelia Zicu (Staff Elizabeth Arden Red Doors Spas), the content of Eugenol in cloves (antiseptic, also known as a natural skin moisturizer) helps acne prevention process and the process of removing freckles acne scars. The way is by applying water decoction of cloves on the area of pimples or blemishes of acne scars.
6. Freshen the mouth
The mouth is often scented Tuberose is not treatable by stem clove seeds. The content of Eugenol which is rich in benefits that can also help keep the scent is not bad on your mouth. In addition, the content of Eugenol is also you can use as a remedy canker sores or chapped lips. Practical way, namely by just Snort it like when you suck the lozenge. Although it was a bit spicy and bitter, but clove can make the breath of your mouth stays fresh and able to relieve thrush.
So that review and ways make use of cloves for your health and beauty. You could try practical ways of yesteryear and prove it. Good luck and hopefully useful!
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