Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Chest exercises to Get Toned and beautiful Breasts

In addition to hankering stomach muscles and loins are averaged, the women also wanted a firmer breast forms though the age increased.

Nowadays many once an instant way to tighten the breast like the silicone syringe on the breast. However, not a few of those who suffer side effects from the use of this silicone. Well, than you bother injecting silicone with costly fees, we recommend you try the natural way to tighten the breast, by training the chest muscles.

Exercise your chest is one of the best ways that you can do to train your chest muscles, especially in the area of the breast, so that could make it more toned and shapely. Moreover, it is also useful for chest exercises improve posture and strengthen Your shoulder muscles.

The following brief exercise 5 to train chest muscles that you can try at home

Front Dumbbell Raise

Phases Of Implementation
1 Position to stand upright
2 both legs opened as wide as the shoulders
3 both hands straight in front of the body with a dumbbell while carrying your palm facing body position
4 second Lifting dumbbell up to as high as the shoulder
5 Hembuskan of breath while lifting dumbbell and pull the breath while lowering the dumbbell
6 Repeat 10-15 reps

Push Up on The Ball

Phases Of Implementation

1 tengkurap Position, align the body and feet, both hands resting on exercise ball
2 bend the elbows and lower the body until it is almost touching the floor
3 Back to its original position by straightening the hand
4 Repeat 10-15 reps

Bench Dip

Phases Of Implementation

1 Place both hands shoulder width apart, which was opened at the end of a Chair in the back of the thigh parallel to the floor Board
2 Lower body to position as shown in the picture
3 Then raise your body and repeat 10-15 reps

Plank Punch

Phases Of Implementation

1 take the push up position
2 body burden resting on both hands
3 raise your right arm straight ahead position with hands mengepal
4 Lower the right hand back to its original position
5 Repeat the movement for the left hand

Floor Switch Kick

Phases Of Implementation

1 Position on her back with both hands stuck to the floor to hold the weight of the body
2 bend the knee to form a 90 degree angle
3 Did the movement to kick with the right foot forward then replace with the left leg
4 Repeat this movement in turn 10-15 reps











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