Thursday, 13 November 2014

How To Pick Your Belly Fat

Belly fat is one of the many things to be removed by most people. A pile of fat that is localized in the stomach or more popularly known as belly fat, not only accumulated under the skin but also envelops the organs in Your abdomen.
Belly fat alone can increase the risk of:
-Cardiovascular diseases
-Type 2 Diabetes
-Colorectal cancer
-Sleep disorders

Abdominal fat is often dikambing-on as the cause of belly. Over the ages, belly it's hard to avoid. Nevertheless, there are some steps to address it, such as applying the pattern of balanced diet and exercise routine. The following are 5 ways real belly fat (Belly Fat):

1. Cardio exercises (aerobic)
   Cardio exercise is the best way to burn belly fat. A study at Duke University showed that aerobic exercise is the most effective activity in visceral belly fat burning. According to the study, cardio training (running, gymnastics, jogging, swimming, cycling) burn more calories 67 percent compared to physical exercise which focuses on strength (muscle) and durability. For adults it is recommended to do aerobic activity like brisk walking, being at least 150 minutes/week or heavy aerobic activity such as jogging, at least 75 minutes/week

2. Clean house
   The thicker your belly fat can effectively eroded even in a simple manner, such as cleaning the House, such as sweeping, vacuuming, and others. Vacuuming is believed to be able to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and carves through your belly fat effectively.

3. Switch from soda to water white
   Reduce consumption of soda and other carbonated drinks. Instead, expand drink plain water, at least eight glasses of water per day. Drinking water is also beneficial in reducing bloating, where bloated stomach will make you look more protruding.

4. Get enough sleep
    If you want to eliminate belly fat quickly, make sure you get enough sleep. Some studies even show if people who sleep at least 7 hours every night, hungry and is not easily known to experience a reduction in belly fat twice as much compared to those who sleep less.

5. Healthy eating Patterns
   The food you eat plays an important role in your body, especially when you're running a diet program. Try to reduce the number of calories you asup from sugar and fatty foods. Apply a pattern of healthy eating by eating healthy foods such as wheat, fruit, vegetables, and milk without fat.

You can eliminate the fat on the tummy area but indeed it takes effort and patience. But remember the set goals, if you can lose weight and belly fat, then you can live healthier and prevent various diseases.

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