Monday, 17 November 2014

Bodyweight Training, Have the body Ideal & Trim anywhere

Sometimes the constraints of someone leaving the exercise routines are not able to come to the gym at any time or place other fitness, not because the nature of lazy during this often made a scapegoat by some people.

The location of the gym that much or less-friendly weather constraints can be an obstacle that is hard to avoid. But now You don't have to worry anymore because the gym is not the only place to get an ideal and healthy body. Wherever you are you can get a healthier body and ideal: with bodyweight training.

Bodyweight training is an exercise without tools using body burden as the burden of the exercise. Well, here's the bodyweight training that you can try it anytime anywhere if you are constrained to come to the gym.

Air Bike | 3 Set @ 30 seconds


Stages Of Implementation:

- Liying down
- The hands behind the head
- Lift both legs
- Do the paddling movements in the air

Jumping lunges | 3 Set 8-10 Repetisi

Stages Of Implementation:

- take the position of the squat
- Right foot one step in front of the left foot
- erraced body upwards
- Landing with the left foot in front
- Repeat toggle

Jumping Squat | 3 Set 10-12 Repetisi


 Stages Of Implementation:

- Standing tall
- The hands behind the head
- Do the squat movement
- The jump squat position
- Back to its original position

Mountain Climber


Stages Of Implementation:

- Position the body movement such as push up
- Both hands resting on the floor
- Right leg bent forward
- Swap the position of the left and right legs quickly as the movement ran

Side Bridge Abduction | 3 Set 10-12 Repetisi


Stages Of Implementation:

- Reclining tilt resting on the left hand
- The right hand is on the waist
- Lift your right leg up to the waist and lifted from the floor
- Back to its original position
- Repeat a few reps before changing sides

Straight Leg Piriformis | 3 Set 10-12 Repetisi

 Bodyweight Training, Miliki Tubuh Ideal & Langsing di Mana Saja

  Stages Of Implementation:

- Laying down 
- The second hand is stretched on the side of the body
- Silangkan feet left to right
- Doing alternating with right foot
By trying the exercise above, you now don't have to worry anymore if constrained to come to the gym. The above exercises you can try anytime and anywhere. Good luck!





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