In addition to satisfying the craving can be biologically, sex is also very beneficial to the health of your body lho! What's it?

Sex activity does were long known to affect the health of a person's body. The following 9 benefits of sex for your health and your partner:
Helps reduce stress
Fuck is able to lower the stress level and keep your blood pressure. This was disclosed by researchers based on the results of a study in Scotland. The researchers invited the 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researchers put them in stressful situations, such as talking in front of a crowd, in a public place, and asked to work on high level math problems.
As a result, for participants who had sex, the level of stress they are inferior compared to people who have sexual problems and rarely have sex. In addition, their blood pressure frequently having sex and living together tend to be more stable.
Boost immunity
Having sex once or twice a week is known to increase the levels of antibodies called immunoglobulin A (IgA) that serves to protect you from the flu and other infections attack. A study by dilakuklan Wilkes University, Pennsylvania, USA, analyze the 112 people who do sex as much as 2-3 times a week and also check out a sample of their saliva. The results prove that IgA levels in their bodies increased higher than people who rarely have sex.
Burn calories
Fuck for 30 minutes was able to burn approximately 350 calories your body. A result that is more than enough to lose your weight. "Sex is a great mode of exercise for you. And it takes a physical or psychological work simply in order to get good results for your health, "said Dr. Patti Britton, PhD., a well-known sexologist in Los Angeles, USA.
Improves heart health
A study in the United Kingdom carried out for 20 years shows that men who have sex two or more times a week are at risk of lower 50% had a heart attack than men who have sex once a month. Although some people worry that sex can also cause stroke, but not found in the research of the relationship between how often do sex and how likely affected by stroke.
Boost self confidence
Researchers from the University of Texas, USA found that improving confidence is one of the reasons of 237 people to have sex. "Those who already have a good confidence also says having sex so that they feel better," said Dr. Gina Ogden, PhD, LMFT, a sex therapist, family, and marriage that did the research.
Of course it does not mean you have to be a lot of sex to boost confidence. Confidence is about being yourself, not others. But if you've found yourself better, great sex life can help you feel better again.
Enhance intimacy
Sex and orgasms can boost oxytocin hormone levels are also referred to as the hormone of love so it can build a person's level of trust in his partner. In a study of 59 women, researchers examined their oxytocin levels before and after hugging their spouses. As a result of their increased levels of oxytocin after doing a physical contact with their partner. Higher oxytocin levels are also associated with a feeling of generosity towards your partner.
Helps relieve pain
Oxytocin is also known to help improve the body's endorphins thus helping hormones relieve pain such as headaches, painful arthritis, or PMS symptoms. In a study involving 48 persons who are asked to inhale oxytocin vapor and then their fingers pricked with needles, participants are not too feel the pain. This means that oxytocin has removed more than half the pain on their fingers pricked so it is more tolerant of pain.
Reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer
A study showed that frequent ejaculation can lower the risk of developing prostate cancer in men. The study was published in the journal of the American Medical Association found that a man ejaculates as much as 21 times or more in a month have lower chances of developing cancer of the prostate versus those who simply ejaculates as much as 4-7 times a month. However, the researchers also state the ejaculation is not the only important factor, because it is still a lot of things that influence a person's likelihood of developing cancer of the prostate, such as unhealthy lifestyle.
Strengthen pelvic muscles
Sexual activity can increase the strength of the pelvic muscles, especially for women. The stronger the pelvic muscles of females, the pleasures of sex are also on the rise. Therefore it's worth all the women get used to practicing gymnastics Kegel? who is able to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
Well, what about the intensity of Your sexual activity?
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