Sunday, 16 November 2014

This Exercise Can Make Your Stomach Sixpack

Already routine practice to get sixpack stomach but Your abdominal muscles has not yet formed? Why? This can be caused because you do the same exercises with the same intensity

The body has to adapt to the exercises so that you require a more challenging workout. What kind of exercises are challenging to get sixpack stomach craving.

Here are for you:

Barbell Rollout from Bench | 2 Set 8-10 Repetisi

 Latihan Ini Bisa Membuat Perut Anda Sixpack
In addition to training the abdominal muscles front part of this exercise is also effective for increasing muscular strength back and balance the body.
Stages Of Implementation:

- The two knee resting on the flat bench
- Both hands grip the barbell under bench
- Push the barbell forward slowly
- Pull the barbell back to its original position

Press Sit-up | 3 Set 8-10 Repetisi

 Latihan Ini Bisa Membuat Perut Anda Sixpack
Effective way to train your upper abdominal muscles at once formed a powerful shoulder muscles.
Stages Of Implementation:

- Lying supine on the incline bench
- Both hands grip the barbell above your chest
- Push the barbell upward lifting body sembil
- Back to its original position
- Repeat

Side Ball Crunch | 3 Set 10-12 Repetisi

 Latihan Ini Bisa Membuat Perut Anda Sixpack
If you have an exercise ball at home, you can use this tool to help you form a sixpack stomach while exercising Your body balance.
Stages Of Implementation:

1. Lay tilted on a swiss ball
2. both hands are on the side of the head
3. the right foot is in front of the left foot
4. lift the body with the left abdominal muscle strength
5. go back to its original position
6. Repeat for each side

Seated Leg Tucks | 2 Set 8-10 Repetisi

 Latihan Ini Bisa Membuat Perut Anda Sixpack
Effective way to train your lower abdominal muscles
Stages Of Implementation:

1. sit upright on a flat bench
2. both hands resting on the bench
3. lift the knee is aligned with the second chest
4. push the foot straight ahead
5. go back to its original position
6. repeat

Kettlebell Windmills | 3 Set 8-10 Repetisi

 Latihan Ini Bisa Membuat Perut Anda Sixpack
Effective way to train strength side abdominal muscles and balance body
Stages Of Implementation:

1. Stand upright
2. Handheld kettlebel in right hand
3. Lift straight up
4. Skew the body until your left hand touching the feet
5. go back to its original position
6. Repeat for each side
Good luck!

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