Monday, 17 November 2014

Foods that can make You the King Shag

Food is not only serves as the mountings the hunger, but also serves as a source of nutrients to your sexual life.

Around you an awful lot of food has the potential to increase libido and sexual ability, so the term is best known aphrodisiac food, which comes from the Greece (Aphrodite: the goddess of sex and love), meaning any kind of food or certain substances that can cause and increase sexual desire.

One of aphrodisiac food which is very famous and has been improved since the world thousands of years ago is ginseng, which is included in the family Araliacae. Usually for medical purposes, the ginseng root is enabled.

The active substances contained in ginsenosida, ginseng is a substance that affects the hypothalamus-pituitary gland in the brain to balance production of adrenal corticotropic hormone (ACTH).

ACTH has the ability to be bound on the brain cells and affects the process of with regard to the condition of the psychic as motivation, vitality, and sexual passion peaked.

Some research suggests that consuming ginseng dried root 1-2 gr/day can bring up the desired effect.

Other Aphrodisiac is oyster. Oyster are included in the shellfish with the shell calcareous and relatively flat. These foods contain lots of iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin A, and B vitmain 12. Traditional communities consuming the osyter raw to get the best benefits.
However, if you want to consume it in clean and hygienic you should cook it ESP. first.

Several studies in the United States and Italy pointed out that oyster can boost sex hormone levels mengonsumsinya. The content of zinc in oyster production can increase claimed hormone testosterone, a hormone that plays an important role in boosting sexual desire and male fertility.

In addition to ginseng and oyster, there are fruits that are included in the category of aphrodisiac food. Call it watermelon, a fruit that has this amazing freshness but also has the effect of increasing sexual desire. The research States that watermelon fruit enriched with sitrulin which can increase levels of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide has the function of bringing up the diameter of blood vessels, including venous blood vessels in a reproductive tool that can stimulate the erection and to avoid the onset of impotence. There are also extracts of yohimbe, an herb Pausinystalia yohimbe's latin name, which grows in Africa and is often used in traditional African societies to improve their sexual abilities.

Yohimbe extract works on smooth muscle men's reproductive tool and on the order of the central nervous and secrete a substance called dopamine and noradrenaline so can enhance sexual arousal.

And the last one is Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains anandamide and phenylethylamine compounds amounts or commonly called the "love chemical", which can release dopamine (substances that cause pleasure and happy) in the brain. Dark chocolate also contain tryptophan, a key component of the serotonin neurotransmitters that create a feeling of relaxation after eventful happy and love-making.

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