Friday, 21 November 2014

Follow the ways and Techniques to whiten teeth

Having white teeth and healthy is the dream of every person. But what can I consume food habits, in vain sometimes makes the teeth become yellow. Not to mention the unhealthy lifestyle that also affect the color of teeth, such as smoking.

As explained by, there are several ways that can be done during the process of whitening teeth with teeth sheath or scabbard tooth or crown, veneer (composite or porcelain), as well as the technique of bleaching. Well, the last technique often chosen dentist to whiten teeth.

The process also has some bleaching method, as follows:

1. Intracoronal technique is usually done on a tooth that is dead.
2. Extracoronal technique usually performed on teeth that are still vital and distinguished techniques of bleaching is done in the doctor's practices with the bleaching is done at home but still in the supervision of a dentist.

In addition, before whiten teeth, you should perform prior consultation with a physician. It is because not all of the teeth can be bleached. After consultation, the dentist must also pass through the stages of cleaning and scalling before eventually bleaching. The aim is that the result will be teeth cleaning is the maximum.

Bleaching can also survive for a few months to a few years but it depends on her treatment. Normally you would be well advised to use special toothpaste to whiten teeth, avoid foods and drinks colored (coffee, tea, and soda), and using a mouthwash.

For those of you who would like to whiten teeth, understand that teeth whitening can cause teeth to become more sensitive. Hopefully useful!

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