Tuesday, 18 November 2014

6 Habits that Often Do Not Fit Women

It cannot be denied that women have more needs than men. On the other hand, women also want to always look perfect in every appearance.

If the guy was impressed a lot simpler in the band, unlike the case with women who always dress up a longer and more detailed. However, there are some habits that turned out to be the band of women in making their risk experiencing health problems. What are some habits that?

1 Wearing High heels
The last few years more and more women who use only high heels shoes. But this custom has an effect that is not good for health. The position of the foot less relaxed while wearing high heels can put pressure on the joints so that it can trigger health problems such as arthritis, back pain, and even injury to tendons.
2 Sleeping accommodations make up
Leaving makeup on the face overnight along with oils and other impurities can clog pores, causing pimples, and black spots on the skin. Do not clean mascara while sleeping can also cause eye irritation and even infection. We recommend that you first clean your face of make up and other shit before you sleep.
3 Wear the wrong Bra Size
Research says that more than 70% of women wear the wrong bra size. Wearing a bra that does not fit with the size not only interfere with the appearance, but also can cause health problems such as back pain, neck, breasts, difficult breathing, and even worsen posture.
4 Often Stress
Stress is one of the main causes of the occurrence of health disorders. It gets worse, women have levels of stress 2 times higher than men. Even in some cases stress can be a depression. This usually happens due to a failed romance, career, etc.
5 Use the Hairdryer too often
We recommend that you use Your hairdryer as necessary. Use the hairdryer too often can cause hair loss, branched, and break easily, especially if You use it with the temperature too hot.
6 Emotional Eating
Women tend to wreak their pique by way of eating more, high-calorie, and tend to be sweet. These habits can lead to weight gain. In fact, this unhealthy habit will also put you at risk of dangerous diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, and stroke.

Therefore, change Your unhealthy habits from now and have a more meaningful life by choosing a healthier habits

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