The highest peak is the pleasure of orgasm while lovemaking that anticipated by the couple. Not seldom both spouses will do any way in order to reach this phase.
The reason is not on the sheer pleasure and satisfaction, but there is another advantage of the orgasm is sought by both partners, namely the health benefits.
Some experts believe that the positive impact on orgasms antibody system of the body. Even an orgasm is believed to be able to get rid of and prevent certain diseases, such as:
The Flu or Colds
Love can make you rarely visit a doctor. Alison Richardson a counselor and researcher on sexual health, says, "sex on a regular basis can increase antibody imunoglobulin A higher, which can protect us from the flu by boosting the immune system."
If you're a migraine should schedule to make love tonight. Because endorphin hormone, the body that is released during sex can relieve the pain unbearable in the head (the migraine.
"When women have sex to achieve an orgasm, pain threshold and tolerance detection threshold of pain to increase significantly by 74,6 percent and 106,7 percent," said sexologist Beverly Whipple, American.
Breast cancer
Dr. Rachel Needle, a psychologist at the Center for Marital and Sexual Health, the United States said the hormone oxytocin, which is released when the fuck has been shown to prevent breast cancer cells develop into tumors. During foreplay, stimulation of the breasts and nipples produce more oxytocin against cancer cells.
Pain During Labor
A study believed that orgasm has the effect of analgesics that may reduce pain during childbirth. How can birth orgasm?
Debra Pascali-Bonaro, Director of Orgasmic Birth: The best-kept Secret pass, "Labor-related culture. Some women feel shame when you feel feel favors because the expectation is feeling sick, we have to change that. "
Pascali added, so that the pain can be reduced during childbirth the husband can stimulate the clitoris and breasts of their wives as a way to cool down.
Dr. Francis Fesmire heart a health expert says, stimulation of the vagus nerve on the (nerves in the pharynx, larynx, lung and heart) can relieve hiccups. The stimulation can be done by having sex.
Painful PMS
For some women, confront the symptoms of premenstruation syndrome (PMS) is a struggle which takes place every month because of the pain that accompanies it. But actually, to relieve the symptoms can be very easily, by having sex until orgasm.
The hormone endorphins that are released when the body of same sex benefits such as morphine can relieve pain. An increase in the hormone endorphins during sex can increase pain tolerance of 70 percent. So sick that you feel is going to die down, even disappear.
Premature Aging
The hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), which is released during sex are able to repair body tissues and make her look younger. In a study for 10 years for men and women, they fuck routine looks 7 – 12 years younger than their actual age.
Well, enjoy the healthy benefits of orgasm.
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