A dietary supplement is a health product containing one or more substances are nutrients or drugs. Nutrients contained in food supplements usually consist of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are part of the protein builders used to balance the metabolism in the body and shaper and regeneration in the body. Dietary supplements are not only derived from plant-based materials but animal ingredients are also used as food supplements that are useful to the body.
A dietary supplement used to help increase stamina or health care process helps to avoid various kinds of diseases. Currently to get a food supplement very easily obtained because dietary supplements are available and sold freely, subject to personal choice and use it since it uses dietary supplements in excess also is not very good health. Because sometimes they assume that dietary supplements are as meal replacements. There is even some direct selling products through sellernya mengtakan if a supplement product they offer is as a substitute for basic foods needed by the body.
Indeed many food supplements contain ingredients the nutrients needed by the body such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, milk, glucosamin are packaged in a variety of forms such as pills, capsules, tablets, powder, softgel and liquid. But how does any such products still made use of the machine and the help of chemicals as preservatives so it does not cover the possibility of food supplements are also not good if consumed as a replacement for the staple food everyday.
Consumption is a dietary supplement as needed. Better still set a good diet and balanced nutrition to get the body healthy and natural.
Although it is in certain conditions we need the drugs, but it should be all the drugs, either through prescription or not, have something harmful to the body's health long term. Some people believe that herbal remedies have no side effects and has only uses only, but it is certainly also a doctrine that is not right. How could something disease can be attacked with drugs on the disease without any effect on him?
In fact, both drug products and herbal medicine plant remains have bad influence on health of the body. The more rapid the effect a drug looks more powerful then all the toxins they contain. The drugs are very effective to relieve pain quickly is certainly far more harmful to the body than other medications.
Drug-herbal remedies that claim to be supplements often say that they are "no side effects". This is something which is very contrary to reality and only showed that the drugs were made without adequate research, at least they cover or are unwilling to do adequate research about the "side effects" of his. From this logic, we better understand that herbal remedies were claimed without the ' side effects ' tend ' uncertain ' is much more than drugs pharmacy, though they might be able to create healing effects on various things.
Even herbal medications is hard even more terrible than pharmaceutical drugs. These drugs make a variety of harsh reactions on the body like a reel is amazing, dull pain unbearable and also contains the risk of fatal. But many people do not care anyway, food and drug supervision agency shall close the eyes or never knew it because according to the manufacturer of the herbal remedy, it is the process of detoxification. Though it may be true could make the effect detokfikasi, but do we dare do detokfikasi process without the correct procedure (for example, under the supervision of a doctor or anyone really expert) so that the condition of our bodies can be monitored with lab tests ' before ', ' when ' and ' live ' after that process?
Most of us receive recipes, buying drugs and consuming him, without knowing the side effects will happen next. Because all drugs put pressure to the body then it is important we find out for sure what might have been a risk, both in the short and long term.
Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD, a Clinical Professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City, which is famous for it, and all at once the head of Surgical Endoscopy Unit at Beth Israel Medical Center said: "even in the United States, drug side effects should be written in detail, but nonetheless many reactions that are not written in the brochure description of them." Shinya to sacrifice his own body as a laboratory to find out the side effects of these medications.
Shiya command so that we are trying to keep the body have a sufficiency of the enzyme, which is the energy for life and increase immunity. Avoid foods that deplete our body's enzymes, such as fast food (fried, animal products etc) then our bodies will remain healthy.
To obtain the sufficiency of the enzyme, Shinya also added that we produce it himself in the gut, IE by letting bacteria-enzyme-forming bacteria that live and work and consume foods that are full of enzymes created by a living creature to another.
Raw organic food, which consists of green vegetables, is one example of a food that is full of life, enzymes.
Drugs never cure disease to be fundamental. The only way to cure the disease is fundamental to our daily lifestyle, i.e. with a good diet, which does not accumulate toxins into our body, so that in the end gives the opportunity to the body to heal and meregenerasikan all damage to the body that has already happened.
Leave a berobatlah supplement and only when we've actually need it, namely at the time had no other options. Find a doctor or a good treatment, experts who understand and explain all types of medications or supplements or therapy they provide. Don't ever believe that there is a remedy or supelemen, both pharmaceutical and herbal remedies, which have no side effects.
Thank you have read Do we consume supplements, hopefully the above about health tips can be useful.
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