Friday, 7 November 2014

Tips For Maintaining Healthy Eyes When In Front Of The Computer

For most people especially those in the field of computers and laptops to cultivate, a problem that is often experienced by the computer vision syndrome (CVS). This problem resulted in the eyes will noticeably drier and the muscles around the head feels tired, for example such as the shoulders and the neck is often sore. As for being the cause of this is because CVS kellamaan staring at a computer screen and rarely blinking, and nor is coupled with a short break when the eyes already feels tired.

As quoted from the Times of India, in a severe stage of CSV can lead to the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. For sufferers of this CSV much, let alone those who cultivate the work in the field of computers even to work long hours with the computer. The disease can be severe, add CSV when it is finished looking at a computer screen for watching television and also look on the phone screen in a long time.

Here are ways to prevent a CSV, which is as follows:

1. Take a minute when you're done working with the computer for at least 1 hour, then looked at the object distance is far past while winking-Flash or moving your eyes.

2. Flashing is regularly and make sure your computer or laptop screen has no display flashing.

3. setting up your computer screen should be arranged or set so as not to overly contrasted which causes strain on the muscles around the head.

4. When you're working at your computer turn off the fan or air conditioning, as this can worsen the circumstances that result in dry eye.

5. If you are using a contact lens and eye feels dry, then when you're dealing with a computer should not be used beforehand, because it could aggravate the syndrome.

6. Drink plenty of water while you work before your computer so that it does not happen to dehydration or lack of fluids.

7. Organised no reflected light that turned toward us be it from lights and Windows.

8. consultations with eye specialists if it was already visible symptoms of the CSV.

Such reviews about some of the ways to prevent the occurrence of CVS (computer vision syndrome), may be useful.

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