Reported by MeetDoctor.com, of a toothache can be caused by many things. For example, dental caries, inflammatory disease, cavities, and gingivitis. In addition to the need to maintain the cleanliness of teeth, you are advised to visit the dentist at least once every 6 months to do some checking teeth regularly.
Well Ladies, here's a tip to reduce toothache pain that you can try:
1. Gargle with salt water
One of the natural ways that you can do to relieve toothache is gargling warm water mixed with salt. The reason, salt has a disinfectant that can prevent the occurrence of an infection in a tooth that hurts and bleeding gums. This way trusted and often performed by traditional people used to be.
2. Compress with ice
In addition to gargle with salt water, usually a toothache could also be assuaged by making use of the ice. If the tooth is sore and swollen, compress pipi with hailstones. Because, the sense of the ice cold will reduce the dull ache and pains.
3. Massage
Doing massages the gums with regular slowly carried out by several people who are sick of the tooth. Now, massage the gums is believed can help relieve toothache pain caused, but not at the time of the tooth are swollen. In addition, according to some experts, massaging the gums can unleash a flow of blood.
4. Tea Bag
Some tea bag compresses an unused to remove eye pouch. However, this time you can use tea bags to relieve the pain of toothache. The trick is to dip a tea bag in hot water. After that, place it on the gums are swollen or bloody.
However, if toothache that you feel really badly, you should soon see a dentist to get serious handling. Before pain toothache ruin your day
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