Many women sometimes feel free to forward or even decided to stop exercises in positive revealed while they were pregnant. The women thought that as she was pregnant, then it must automatically leave excessive physical activity and should be plenty rested.
It is recommended by doctors to protect the safety of the expectant mother and her baby. But, did the rest and leave the physical activity will really protect the mothers-to-be and babies? Some researchers say, not necessarily. Leaving physical activity also have a negative effect.
There are some effects that are less pleasant than a pregnancy, such as nausea, fatigue, back pain, insomnia, and swelling. These negative effects are also sometimes can continue to occur even si such women have given birth to. However, it could be alleviated and healed with exercise or sports.
What Are The Benefits Of Exercise For Pregnant Women?
The choice of a woman during pregnancy can affect the health of their entire life. Keep exercise in accordance with the advice of doctors at the time of pregnancy is a wise decision. Exercise has been proven to reduce nausea, fatigue, back pain, and can also increase energy.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is the most frequent complication suffered by pregnant women, and these complications affects about 5% of pregnant women. Some studies have shown that exercise or exercise during pregnancy may improve glucose utilization due to increased insulin sensitivity, so as to normalize sugar levels in the blood.
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is a dangerous thing. Most women can never regain their weight as they did before getting pregnant. In fact, not uncommon pregnancy can cause obesity. According to some research, exercise during pregnancy can reduce excessive weight loss and reduce the risk of obesity. In addition, exercise or exercise during pregnancy can increase the strength, durability, and the ability of a woman.
Types of exercise or sport that should not be Done During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should stay away from these kinds of sports are below:
– Exercising in hot and humid conditions
– The Exercise in conditions of dehydration
– Exercise in position terlentang
– Contact sports (e.g., football, boxing, wrestling)
– The activity or sport that can make you fall (e.g., running, skiing, mountain biking)
– Scuba diving (can cause blockage of blood vessels by air)
Pregnant women are also advised not to do jogging or running if they are not accustomed to doing so.
What Are The Types Of Exercises That Can Be Done?
The American Council of Sports Medicine recommend that everyone should exercise at least 30 minutes, in a few days (not necessarily every day). This also applies to pregnant women.
The Type Of Exercise That Can Be Performed By Pregnant Women
Dr. Artal, a gynecology doctors say that aerobic exercise consists of a continuous rhythmic movement that can move large muscles are highly recommended as exercise or sport of choice for pregnant women. Running, rowing, and swimming movements is also another example of a sport that can be performed by pregnant women. Swimming is one of the best workouts that can be performed by pregnant women because it can swim in support of body temperature and does not cause any effect on joints. This is very important because during pregnancy the joints of women tend to be more stretched because hormone levels are increasing.
Exercise weights light reps is also safe with performed by pregnant women. This lightweight free weights exercises can help maintain flexibility, and minimize the risk of injury.
The duration and intensity of the training session
For women who are less familiar with the sport, 20 to 30 minutes is a safe time to do exercise. And for women who are accustomed to exercise, and no medical complications can do sports or exercise as usual (with reps who are). Pregnancy is not the right time to maximize your workout.
Although some research shows that 80% of people who exercise do not experience adverse side effects on their heart rate, but practicing with the reps were will be much safer for pregnant women. Start by warming up and end it by cooling down at every practice session.
In conclusion, exercise or sports during the actual pregnancy is safe as long as there are no medical complications of any kind. In some cases, pregnant women are not encouraged to exercise or workout. Very important to consult with your physician before deciding whether sports or exercise program you will do is safe for you and the baby newborn or not. Follow the advice of your physician
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