Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How Diets OCD Deddy Corbuzier

HOW TO DIET OCD may have sounded in our ears long enough, even the diet of the master Mentalist Deddy Corbuzier, to now become one of the most popular HOW DIET and most people apply in their diet, rather than the way previous diets .

It can not be dipungkuri number recognition has been proved a change of the way this diet, make people want to try a diet that is challenging enough.

And one proof that we can see directly from the benefits of this diet is that the body of the master mentalist (Deddy Agency Corbuzier) itself, as we saw earlier that Corbuzier Deddy body fat first, but now the master looks toned body and muscular, without any fat wattle. 
What distinguishes OCD diet with DIET HOW laiinya is in the way that its application, first the diet is determined by diet is maintained, should not eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, etc., but this OCD digebrakan DIET HOW you are exempt eat-foods containing cholesterol and carbohydrates high but there is a certain of time constraints (specifically vulnerable time window).

The point is that during meal time window recommended by the master, then you can eat a variety of foods high berkabohidrat, as well as foods that contain cholesterol.

And the next time span you are required to enter a full fasting keanggota carbohydrates your body, but still may consume lots of water, aim to prevent dehydration.

If the requirement and the way he met then you can run the program smoothly this diet and as a result your body will be free of fat, but if you fail to fast, then this diet will also muspro or useless not result in any changes / total failure.

Well actually the window of time that is recommended by the master how ??? The time window style diet OCD you can see in full below:

Puasa 16 hours a day, plus have time to eat 8 hours
The purpose of this OCD HOW DIET is recommended that you free of carbohydrates and calories / fuull fasting for 16 hours, but you are still allowed to drink water to prevent dehydration. Well at the time of 8 hours is recommended, then you are allowed to eat 3 meals, eat, this important free including healthy food, but do not forget to eat the normal portion yahh.

For an example of how this diet period is as follows: if you start eating at 12 noon, then you should stop eating after 8 hours later, so start at 8 Malem you already have to fasting again until 12 pm, doing this way is rotating, to your diet actually produces.

@ Fasting 18 hours, plus feeding time for 6 hours
Now the window of time that you can apply the second is to do a fuul fasting for 18 hours, and you get a share of meals for 6 hours.

As an example of the time, if you start eating when 12 pm arrives, then you have to stop the consumption of carbohydrates and calories at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. For 6 hours until 11:59 noon the next day you are not allowed to consume food that contains carbohydrate and high calorie foods.

@ Fasting 20 hours, plus feeding time allotted for 4 hours
The third step that you can try is to do a fast food and calorie berkabohidrat for 20 hours, and you get a share of a meal for 4 hours. The third step is of course very hard to dilakuakn article of our meals in just 4 hours a day, but if there is will and determination can do it.

Sample time: you start fasting the three hour show at 6 pm, and you start eating food allowed back when the clock two hours of noon until 5:59.

Fasting for 24 hours @ full.
Probably the latter category diet is very extreme, the article of food you can only watch one show while kenyangan portion 12 noon, then you are not allowed to eat until 12 noon the following day. Specific to this method is recommended doing it this way for 2 times during the week, the rest of your resume is a third way.

Additional note: for those of you who are interested in this diet program, try to start from the smallest way / first light (stages) do not directly run the first 20 hours of fasting. Fear not strong bodies later.

One more three hours of eating: eat wisely, not to excess, any excess is not good for the body. Okay so first of this discussion may be useful, and good luck.

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