"It makes estrogen becomes unstable and can affect the breast. So that lead to something that is not normal, such as cancer, "said surgeon of Surgical Oncology Consultant RS Pondok Indah Puri Indah, Jakarta, Dr. Cahyo Novianto, M.Sc., Med., Sp.B (K) Onk.
Actually, anyone who has a higher risk of developing breast cancer?
"The woman who got the alias menarche first menstruation earlier, and women menopause longer. They are more at risk because of the longer exposure to the hormone estrogen, "explains Cahyo.
Women who never had children and never breastfed also have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Because while nursing, said Cahyo, is cancer-free period. This is because the role of estrogen in the breast-feeding period becomes smaller and more dominant role or is the hormone prolactin. In addition, women who use hormonal birth control (injections, pills, IUD) also have a higher risk.
Family factors apparently played a role. If there is a family history of cancer of any type, then that person can enhance the chances of getting cancer. "For example, bone cancer grandmother, her granddaughter can get cancer too different. The growth of the cancer cells as they pleased him. If it fits in the lungs, yes, who hit her. Not always on breasts. "
Women who have had a previous history of breast tumors also have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
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